Friday, 15 November 2013

Hmmm let's see, what do I have to say today?
I am now very much aware that somehow, the thoughts I have and things that come my way match. For example, I'll be thinking of someone and they will appear on my way that day. I will be thinking about something and an image or a video will suddenly appear online about the same topic. I will be talking about something and the next minute someone else will mention exactly the same thoughts. etc etc.
So now I am sure, there is a link. There is definitely a link between what I think and what happens to me in the subsequent moments. Some call this the law of attraction, others the magic of the Universe. The fact remains that our thoughts, through some mysterious (and mystical?) mechanism, are part of the creation of our reality.
So now I am focusing on this: I am prosperous beyond words. I am so rich I can not only afford to pay my bills and such, but I also have extra money to buy luxury and have a more than comfortable life. I am that I am, and I am prosperous.
All those years, I have been taught wrong. It's easy to become rich and it's not luck, and it's not random. It doesn't take years and years of hard work. Being rich is just being rich. End of story. I am in a reality where all abundance comes to me. A place of prosperity where all I need to do is align with my dreams to make them come true in my physical world.
You see, we are already creators of miracles. And everything is a miracle. We often misunderstand miracles as being huge events, sudden, improbably... but the truth is, every moment is a miracle, being here in the physical is a miracle... a miracle is the manifestation of desires, from thought form to physical form.
And that's what I am in charge of now. I am loving the feeling, the knowing that I am a creator, that I am creating situations I love and events I desire literally out of thin air, with the collaboration of this majestic universe where dreams do come true.

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